20-28mm Roman Semi-Permanent Fort IN DEVELOPMENT

This is actually a modular system for any ancient fortifications based on the classic ditch/embankment and palisade model made popular by the Romans. This range, while it is designed to fit exactly 25mm figures it is made to be perfectly compatible with most 1/72 plastic figures on the market and with 28-30mm "heroic" scale metal figures. To accomplish this some key element, like the stairs, will be made available in different sizes. The core element is a single section of earthwork embankment casted in resin (7). The frontage will be 60mm so as to be compatible with the 25mm scale element frontage requirement of the most popular rule sets. The embankment will be completed by separate palisade (5) and optional strengthener (10). The system will includes also round corner pieces (8) with their own palisade (9) and a gate. This latter actually being a small subsystem on itself, which will first consist of a base formed by two truncated embankment elements, left and right (6), which leave a full module frontage (60mm) gap, and a wooden barred gate to close the gap itself (4). This would be completed by a separate wooden superstructure to defend the gap, which include a pontoon (1) a frontal parapet (2) and an inner balustrade (3). A separate access staircase model (11) can be positioned pretty much anywhere along the embankment. Additional modular elements, including wooden towers, alternative styles for palisade elements, deeper embankment modules to house artillery pieces, ditches, etc. are all in development. A similar system is already available in 15mm scale: have a look now!

Development status:
Design: in progress
Master: in progress
Mold: n/a
Production: First elements of this system are expected to be available in summer 2006.
Future plans: many additional modular elements to expand the system are being planned.