Denyen, Ekwesh, Lukka, Peleset, Teresh, Sheklesh, Sherden, Teresh, Tjekker, and Weshwesh, collectively known as "Sea Peoples" are all names found in ancient Egyptian sources that talks about raids and attacks by these previously unknown invaders. Although in these inscriptions there are clues and references that generated many theories, the origins of the Sea Peoples are undocumented. They remain unidentified in the eyes of most modern scholars, and hypotheses regarding the origin of the various groups are the source of much speculation and debate. Existing theories propose that some of them were Aegean tribes, raiders from Central Europe, scattered soldiers who turned to piracy or became refugees, or migrants linked to natural disasters such as earthquakes or climatic shifts. One thing is certain however: they were ferocious fighters! The Egyptian sorces talk of "the unruly Sherden whom no one had ever known how to combat, they came boldly sailing in their warships from the midst of the sea, none being able to withstand them." The Hittite Empire collapsed under their onslaught. Ugarit was destroyed. Egypt repulsed one assault by Libyans with massive Sea Peoples assistance in 1179 BC. A second invasion from Syria in 1176 was only repulsed by an extreme national effort. Thereafter the Sea Peoples confederacy appears to have dispersed to their homelands, or settled in and were quickly absorbed by the local culture.

This range has been realized by Red Copper Miniatures, based on their own study and research before sculpting. The handmade individual design and 3D printing technology allows them to develop their own characteristic style, versatile for 15mm and 28mm, with great detail and functionality, but without losing the personality of each model. Red Copper Miniatures models combine respect for historical rigor and the freshness and epic of attractive designs, with new, varied, dynamic and unique poses.
We print them on demand with very high definition machines using our own blend of different resins to achieve superb detail and
plastic like material properties.

Red Copper Miniatures are LARGE 15mm that would mix well with Xyston and Legio Heroica (sometime referred to as 18mm).
If you prefer we can reduce them in size to "standard" 15mm to match our own or Essex miniatures!

Also available as 1:72 or 28mm on demand!


Code: RCSPE01
Sea Peoples chariots

The Sea Peoples used a considerable number of chariots in battle, crewed by 2 javelinmen and possibly a bow but they often dismounted to fight ance they closed in on the enemy.

Pack include one 15mm chariot (1 chariot + two different horse + warrior + 1 driver):
EURO€ 4.90 Quantity:
For 28mm or other sizes just
All figures are sold unpainted and some models may require a little assembly.

Sea Peoples chariots

Code: RCSPE02
Sea Peoples warriors

These figures are based on the scene from the north wall of Medinet Habu that illustrate the Egyptian campaign against the Sea Peoples in what has come to be known as the Battle of the Delta. Common warriors of most Sea People nations are depicted as infantry with a long sword, javelins and often body armour.

Pack include a random mix of 8 x 15mm figures out of five different poses:

EURO€ 4.90 Quantity:
For 28mm or other sizes just
All figures are sold unpainted and some models may require a little assembly.

Sea Peoples warriors

Code: RCSPE03
Sea Peoples warband

In the sorces Sea Peoples are depicted wearing unique headdress in comparison to the Egyptians. The Shardana are thought to be the ones with the helmets that have two small horns. The Peleset are probably those wearing the feathered-headdress style helmets, but Denyen are also depicted in a very similar manner.

Pack include a random mix of 8 x 15mm figures out of five different poses:

EURO€ 4.90 Quantity:
For 28mm or other sizes just
All figures are sold unpainted and some models may require a little assembly.

Sea Peoples warband

Code: RCSPE04
Sea Peoples spearmen

The foreign countries made a conspiracy in their islands. All at once the lands were removed and scattered in the fray. No land could stand before their arms, from Khatte, Qode, Carchemish, Arzawa, and Alashiya on, being cut off at one time. A camp was set up in one place in Amurru. They desolated its people, and its land was like that which has never come into being. They were coming forward toward Egypt, while the flame was prepared before them. Their confederation was the Peleset, Tjekker, Shekelesh, Danuna, and Weshesh, lands united. They laid their hands upon the lands as far as the circuit of the earth, their hearts confident and trusting. (Inscription at Medinet Habu temple).

Pack include a random mix of 8 x 15mm figures out of five different poses:

EURO€ 4.90 Quantity:
For 28mm or other sizes just
All figures are sold unpainted and some models may require a little assembly.

Sea Peoples spearmen

Code: RCSPE05
Sea Peoples skirmishers

Tentative identifications of the Sea Peoples listed in Egyptian documents are as follows: Ekwesh, a group of Bronze Age Greeks (Achaeans; Ahhiyawa in Hittite texts); Teresh, Tyrrhenians (Tyrsenoi), known to later Greeks as sailors and pirates from Anatolia, ancestors of the Etruscans; Lukka, a coastal people of western Anatolia, also known from Hittite sources (their name survives in classical Lycia on the southwest coast of Anatolia); Sherden, probably Sardinians (the Sherden acted as mercenaries of the Egyptians in the Battle of Kadesh, 1299 bce); Shekelesh, possibly the Sicilian tribe called Siculi; and Peleset, generally believed to refer to the Philistines, who perhaps came from Crete and were the only major tribe of the Sea Peoples to settle permanently in Palestine (that took its name from them). Further identifications of other Sea Peoples mentioned in the documents are much more uncertain.

Pack include a random mix of 8 x 15mm figures out of five different poses:

EURO€ 4.90 Quantity:
For 28mm or other sizes just
All figures are sold unpainted and some models may require a little assembly.

Sea Peoples skirmishers

Click for a larger picture!

15mm Sea-Peoples army for DBA 3.0

Code: DBAI-28

Save and get everything you need for a DBA 3.0 Sea-Peoples army!
This DBA army pack contains at least 43 figures (some handy spares are normally included!) of which 41 foot and 1 chariot, including foot and mounted Command figures.
Include enough figures for all these options:
LCh gen., 2x4Bd, 6x3Bd, 3x3Ax or 2Ps (15 elements in all) plus 1 Ship model for the camp!

DBA 3.0 I/28 Sea-Peoples 1208-1176 BC
43 figures + 1 chariot (15 elements) + ship camp army Pack: EURO€ 42.20

(regular price EURO 46.91 SAVE 10%!)
All our figures do not contain lead and are sold unpainted!

Code: RCSPE06
Sea Peoples camp

Sea Peoples'ships were probably similar to Homeric 'eikosoros', the ancestor of what would later be called an Helladic 'triaconter' (triakontoros). There is no crew included because the rowers were also the fighting crew, so they are otherwise occupied! The model is scaled to fit a 120x40mm base.

Pack include one ship:

EURO€ 16.90 Quantity:
For 28mm or other sizes just
All figures are sold unpainted and some models may require a little assembly.

Sea Peoples camp

Code: DBA6
15mm DBA-size Sea Peoples Camp

This is a scale mddel of a fortified camp made using sharpened stakes in the Greek manner, of the type later used also by Republican Roman armies on the march. The use of tis type of stakes by the Greeks is described by Polybius, in Book XVIII Campaign of Flamininus in Thessaly and Battle of Cynoscephalae. The complete set consist of an open perimeter formed by 40mm wide sections of low embankment elements topped by fencing made with sharpened stakes which leave a full module frontage (40mm) gap protected by a wooden gate.

Pack include one wooden gate and a perimeter of sharpened stakes fencing:

15mm Plain cast kit (needs assembly and painting) EURO€ 16.50

Code: 15FOR-3
15mm sharpened stakes fencing module

You can extend your Sea Peoples Camp as much as you like with these additional modular sharpened stake fences!

Two sections of 15mm sharpened stakes fence EURO€ 4.50

15mm Sea Peoples Camp
15mm sharpened stakes fencing


For detailing your Sea Peoples camp scene we suggest to use:
Code LGS1, Code LGS2, Code LGS9 and Code 15RCANE01